Saturday, January 24, 2009

in this hour of our mourning

This blog is dedicated to ShoneOne. And in his loving memory it is on this web page that I would encourage you all to leave "comments" That is, share moments with the rest of the world, that you  have personally shared with ShoneOne. 

let us raise our glasses high. 
This is the last stop on the S line.


  1. Who Killed ShoneOne
    Who did it and how did he die?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My name isn't important. What I'm about to say isn't either.
    When people die they leave a sort of fog that grows off their bodies,this fog happens in the places they most frequented. ShoneOne has left that fog on my eyes and lips. I don't know who or what or if anything killed him. All I know is that he's still here. Stunting my vision and my ability to taste anything sweet.

  4. because you are dead / mesmerized, isn't it so? you are so fucked, memorize / memorialized
    because you are so
    because unto death i hear you are lying down, dirt pillow, grass-stuffed mouth blades falling from your mouth
    because you are blissed and gone
    bliss / blessed / blanketed / buffeted / sonic echo all the tears have left you
    because what you hoped to find when you were here

    you've fallen down maybe you need to drain

    maybe you're aflame maybe you're coal dark
    maybe you're caged maybe you're naked
    maybe you're faking maybe you want what u got
    maybe you're cold maybe you're untold
    maybe you're unfolding maybe you're broken
    maybe you're skin underneath her fingernails
    maybe you're nightmare maybe you're breath
    maybe you're embroidered onto the pages of this
    maybe you're drowned maybe in your blood
    maybe you're frightened, too
    maybe you're penetrating
    maybe you're wide awakemaybe you're distant
    maybe you
    because you
    that static electric blanket you wear now
    the stars above are under
    upside down
    those that pedal above you, stampede on your parade insensitive to your hush
